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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

These are some of the vintage chairs I found and hand painted.... 
We found this chair in the trash!

I love doing kids chairs.....


Monday, December 12, 2011

Button art I made with my beautiful granddaughter, Jazzy...

Recycled Dresser Drawer

Well, I had some old dresser drawers and I was looking for a project. I bought my granddaughter an American Girl Doll and was looking at the beds. So expensive! I decided to make one myself. I spent $8 on fabric and $12 for legs and wooden decals. 

An old dresser drawer
Drawer and plywood for headboard

I painted the drawer

I padded the plywood and stapled fabric

Added screw on legs I bought at Home Depot and added bedding made by my 17 yr old daughter